How to care for a Hoya Hindu Rope

How to care for a Hoya Hindu Rope

Nov 26, 2021

Known as the Hoya Carnosa 'Compacta,' this Hoya has twisted, waxy leaves that emerge on long rope-like vines, making this Hoya the perfect hanging plant. Sometimes known by its nicknames, Hindu Rope Hoya and Indian Rope Hoya, this cultivar of Hoya Carnosa will eventually produce beautiful clusters of star-shaped pink flowers as it matures. 


Bright indirect light.


Water only when the soil is dry.


Hindu Rope Houseplants, Hoya Carnosa "Krinkle Kurl," can be propagated anytime using stem-tip cuttings. A portion of the Hoya Plant stem, including one or more leaves, quickly produces roots in water or damp sand.


Hoya Hindu Rope is non-toxic to animals. 

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