8 Houseplant Trends on the Rise in 2023, According to the Pros

8 Houseplant Trends on the Rise in 2023, According to the Pros

Jan 24, 2023

Welcome to 2023 - a world where houseplants are blooming brighter than ever before! According to experts, the following 8 houseplant trends are the hottest of the year. From the exotic to the minimal, these easy-care greens are sure to add a touch of style and freshness to any home. So don't be afraid to go green and get creative with your indoor foliage!

Some of the 2023 plant trends include: 

  • "Forgiving" Plants, aka super easy to care for plants that can tolerate most lighting conditions like we'll see super-forgiving plants like Raven ZZ, Moonshine Sansevieria, and Silver Bay Aglaonema rise to the top.
  • Supporting small businesses, including small-scale plant care brands that are environmentally conscious. 
  • Eco-Friendly Potting Mixes the potting mix you use is extremely important to the health of the plant, and you will see more brands develop soil that is not only healthy for your plant but for the environment.  

The full article can be found here: https://www.marthastewart.com/8353728/houseplant-trends?fbclid=PAAabOBrPx5ljIyyKlu7ElEurwJT4QbdarmwrhCKTxemW748VbZ4q8DpWLbQM

Tell us in the comments, what you think of the trends. 

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