So you want to become a plant parent, but you aren’t sure where to start. Here are five houseplants perfectly selected for beginners. All five of these plants are a great starting point because they need little attention from you, and in return will reward you with a beautiful greener space and stunning foliage.
- Pothos / Epipremnem Aureum
The Pothos plant, or “Devil’s Ivy”, is where interior design meets a low-maintenance indoor jungle. The Pothos family encompasses many colors and varieties: golden, cream, silver, and many more. It can be styled as a vining plant with a support pole to climb up, or it can be hung up to trail down like a lush curtain.
Many beginners find this one of the easiest to grow regardless of its size. The Pothos is flexible with low, medium, and bright light, so it can grow almost anywhere. As an added bonus, the Devil’s Ivy is forgiving if you ever miss a watering. As long as it is not in the direct sun rays where the leaves could sunburn, and receives ample water, this ivy will thrive!
- Snake Plant / Sanseviera
The Snake Plant, also called “Mother in Law’s Tongue”, is often the poster child for hardy beginner plants. By looking at its care needs, it’s easy to see why. Snake Plants can tolerate any light condition, they can withstand cold weather changes, and they require very little water. This makes a perfect fit for those starting out who are worried that they may forget to water their new plant baby or do not have a sunny growing area.
Like the Pothos, the Snake Plant comes in many different colors and varieties, with dark green, yellow, and silver being the most common. All varieties have the same care needs: flexible on light and temperature, and very low water- a perfect fit for those who have a busy schedule and may be prone to forgetting about watering their plants.
The most common way that Snake Plants are killed is by overwatering. On average, watering this plant just once a month should be sufficient (but like any plant, water needs are proportional to temperature and lighting). When in doubt, do not water until it has been at least a few weeks. While this can survive even the darkest corner, providing the brightest light possible will help your Snake Plant grow faster. Above all, as long as the Sanseviera is not overwatered, it is happy in its new home!
- Money Tree / Pachira Aquatica
Money may not grow on trees, but this ancient symbol of luck and prosperity makes this Money Tree worth having around! Besides, who doesn’t want a miniature tree in their room?!
To give this plant the best care, the Pachira needs bright indirect light. Unlike the Pothos and Snake Plant that can live in low light, the Money Tree will do best close to a sunny window- not close enough to get scorched by the direct sun rays, but nearby where it can still take in the sunlight.
Money Trees, on average, need watering every 2-4 weeks- more when it is hot, sunnier and dry, and less when it is cold and not as bright. The easiest way to tell if it is ready for water is by feeling the top few inches of soil. When the soil feels bone dry, water it fully and allow excess water to drain out. By combining ample watering with bright indirect light, the Pachira Aquatica will prosper and bring positive energy into your green space.
- Spider Plant / Chlorophytum Comosum
The Spider Plant is truly underrated. The sprawling leaves have green and white variegation and do not have any picky needs. The basics for Spider Plant care are medium light, room temperature, and watering when the soil feels dry at the top. The Spider Plant has ways of telling us what they want in their own way, so it is rather simple for beginners to decipher.
By far the best part of the spider plant is the tiny offsets that they grow when mature. These offsets, also called “babies” or “pups”, and are miniature Spider Plants that can be cut off and repotted to regrow! The adorable Spider Plant propagations are perfect for sharing or keeping all to yourself!
- Peace Lily / Spathiphyllum Wallisi
Simply put, the Peace Lily is a great option for the chronic over-waterer. The foliage is often emerald green with white cone-shaped flowers. The native environment of the Peace Lily is growing under tropical tree canopies, where it is humid, a bit cooler, and low light. To replicate this environment, there is no need to give your Peace Lily too much sun: just place it somewhere it receives a little bit of light. In addition, Peace Lilies can live in room temperature and prefer it on the cooler side. Be sure to keep the soil moist, or as an added bonus, place in a bathroom or near a humidifier to maintain a humid environment for growth.
The most common way of damaging a Peace Lily is by putting it too close to sun, where the sensitive leaves may scorch. So, as long as the Peace Lily is a fair distance from incoming sun rays, and the soil is wet but not swampy, the Peace Lily will make itself right at home.
So now that you know who’s in our top five, which plant are you most excited to bring into your new home? Let us know!
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