Since COVID restrictions have many of us spending more time at home, growing indoor plants can be a great way to cleanse the air in your home while styling your space. Adding beautiful plants to your home can brighten up your life. After all, people often say your environment dictates your mood. Check out our list of the top 10 plants that are easy to care for and perfect thrive indoors.
1. Pothos
The Pothos plant, or “Devil’s Ivy,” can spruce up a home with a low-maintenance indoor jungle. The Pothos family encompasses many colors: gold, cream, silver, and more. It can be styled as a vining plant with a support pole to climb up or hung up to trail down like a lush curtain.
According to The Botanikal Bar, many beginners find this one of the easiest to grow regardless of its size. The Pothos can grow under low, medium, and bright light. As a bonus, the Devil’s Ivy is forgiving if you ever miss a watering. As long as it is not in the direct sun rays where the leaves could sunburn and receives ample water, this plant will thrive.
2. Snake Plant
The Snake Plant, also called “Mother in Law’s Tongue,” is popular for hardy beginner plants. This plant can tolerate many different light conditions. It can withstand cold weather changes and require very little water, great for those worried they may forget to water or do not have a sunny growing area.
Like the Pothos, the Snake Plant comes in many different colors and varieties, with dark green, yellow, and silver being the most common, though all varieties require the same care. The Snake Plant’s flexibility with light and temperature and little need for watering makes it a good fit for new plant parents.
The most common way Snake Plants are killed is from overwatering. On average, watering this plant just once a month should be sufficient, but do not forget that water needs are proportional to temperature and lighting. While this can survive even the darkest corner, providing the brightest light possible will help the Snake Plant grow faster.
3. Money Tree
Money may not grow on trees, but this ancient symbol of luck and prosperity makes Money Trees worth having around. Besides, who doesn’t want a miniature tree in their room?
To give this plant the best care, it needs bright indirect light. Unlike the Pothos and Snake Plant that can live in low light, the Money Tree will do best close to a sunny window— not close enough to get scorched by the direct sun rays, but nearby where it can still take in the sunlight.
On average, money trees need watering every two to four weeks and more when it is hot, sunny, and dry, according to the Botanical Bar. It will need less when it is cold and not as bright. The easiest way to tell if it is ready for water is by feeling the top few inches of soil. When the soil feels dry, water it fully and allow excess water to drain out. With proper care, the Money Tree will prosper and bring positive energy to your home.
4. Spider Plant
The Spider Plant has sprawling leaves with green and white variegation and is low maintenance. According to The Botanikal Bar, basic care includes providing medium light, medium temperature room, and watering when the soil feels dry at the top.
A notable feature of the Spider Plant is the tiny offsets that grow when they mature. These offsets, called “babies” or “pups,” are miniature Spider Plants that can be cut off and repotted to regrow. The Spider Plant propagations are perfect for sharing or keeping all to yourself.
5. Peace Lily
The Peace Lily is a great option for planters who love to water. The foliage is often emerald green with white cone-shaped flowers. The native environment of the Peace Lily is under tropical tree canopies. It thrives in humid, cool, and low-lit environments. Also, Peace Lilies can live at room temperature and prefer it on the cooler side. Be sure to keep the soil moist, or as a bonus, place it in a bathroom or near a humidifier to maintain an environment for growth.
The most common way of damaging a peace lily is putting it too close to the sun, where the sensitive leaves scorch. So, as long as the peace lily is a fair distance from incoming sun rays, and the soil is wet but not swampy, the Peace Lily will make itself right at home.
6. ZZ Plant
The ZZ Plant is tough and resilient, appealing to those who may be afraid to buy a plant out of fear of killing it. This plant can tolerate low-light conditions and little watering. It has dark and wide leaves that are smooth and waxy. ZZ plants typically grow about two or three feet tall, according to the Gardinista.
As a bonus, the ZZ plant is an air purifier and can remove toxins such as xylene, toluene, and benzene from the air. Although a drawback is that ZZ plants are poisonous, so try to keep the plant away from children and pets.
7. English Ivy
Also known as “Common Ivy,” this ivy is known for its perennial life. The English Ivy is relatively simple to care for as it requires evenly moist soil and an environment with a consistent temperature, per the Flower Shop Network. Its vines grow horizontally, making it a great hanging plant in a house.
The English Ivy comes in many forms, with its leaves edged and prominent variegation. With its ability to grow in different places, the plant can be a fun addition to the home because of all the fun shapes it can take on.
8. Dracaena
With fun, spikey leaves, the Dracaena plant can spruce up any home. It can grow up to three feet indoors. This plant enjoys indirect light, medium-temperature and does not need as much watering as the average plant. Similar to the ZZ plant, Dracaena plants are also known for their air-purifying qualities. As well, Dracaena is toxic to dogs and cats.
According to ProFlowers, this tree-like foliage has a second thickening meristem, the tissue that helps plants grow, which allows the Dracaena to grow such wide, thick succulent roots.
9. Aloe
Aloe plants are not only aesthetically pleasing but have many health benefits. The juices from its leaves have healing abilities for small cuts and burns. It can also be used for beauty remedies. This plant requires thorough watering, though infrequently. Generally, The Old Farmer’s Almanac suggests watering every two to three weeks during the summer and spring, and even more sparingly in the winter.
The Aloe plant is unique as it has an aesthetic appeal but can also be useful around the house. This succulent would be a great addition to the kitchen and easily accessible if anyone gets a cut or burn.
10. Aglaonema
Aglaonema, also known as Chinese Evergreen, is one of the most popular houseplants and comes in many variations that range from dark green to even some with hints of red. According to The Spruce, dark green Algaonema can grow in shaded areas while variegated Aglaonema grows in brighter light. However, do not put this plant under direct sunlight.
Under the right care, the Chinese Evergreen is known for its long-lasting life. The plant typically does not outgrow its pot, so new plant parents do not have to worry about constantly spending money on a new one. This colorful foliage is a good choice for adding color around the house.
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